Yesoid takes the safety and welfare of our trustees, volunteers, members, staff and anyone engaged by, or working with Yesoid very seriously.
Our Health and Safety Policy plays an important role in setting and making clear the standards of health and safety that we apply in our support group.
All relevant people must read and understand the content of this policy. If anyone has questions about it, please contact Mr Uri Rosen (nominated health and safety lead 2024/25)
OR contact Yesoid at
Yesoid may amend this policy from time to time in line with the needs and practices of our charitable organisation.
Part 1: Policy details
All trustees, volunteers, members, staff, and other persons affected by the work we undertake are covered by Yesoid’s health and safety policy.
Our policy is to:
- Understand the health and safety risks arising from the activities that take place.
- Ensure adequate control of those health and safety risks.
- Consult with our trustees, volunteers, members, and staff on matters affecting their health and safety.
- Provide the necessary information, instruction and supervision for activities.
- Ensure all persons are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training.
- Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health.
- Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
- Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Part 2: Key responsibilities
The ultimate responsibility for health and safety within Yesoid is Mr Yehuda Heller.
The person who has been delegated the responsibility for ensuring that our policy is implemented is Mr Uri Rosen (Committee Member).
All those covered by our policy must:
- a) Co-operate with our relevant supervisors and managers on health and safety matters
- b) Not interfere with or misuse anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
- c) Take reasonable care of their health and safety and that of others, and
- d) Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person as detailed above.
Part 3: Arrangements
1. Before each project takes place a risk assessment must be undertaken by the group running the activity.
2. Relevant action must be taken to ensure the safety of the activity taking place.
3. Each group is responsible for reporting any health and safety issues to Yesoid.
Part 4: Insurance
It is the responsibility of each group to make sure the relevant insurance is in place before any activity takes place.
Part 5: Training
1. Each person working with the members of Yesoid must have relevant and up-to-date training.
2. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that they are responsibly trained and up to date.
3. Regular training courses will be provided by Yesoid.
Part 6: Accidents, First Aid and Work-Related Ill-Health
Activities must take place in the vicinity of a fully stocked and up-to-date first aid kit. Off-site activities must have a mobile-first aid kit available.
Every activity must have at least one trained first aider present.
Part 7: Monitoring and Review
Accidents, incidents and near misses should be reported to Mr Yehuda Heller who will
- undertake accident investigations
- record all incidents in Yesoid’s incident book.
Signed Mr Y Heller
Date 15/11/2023
Date reviewed 21/01/25
Mr Y Heller can be contacted on 07942819976 or